Content Sync provides many observability features to make it easy to troubleshoot and fix any potential issues. The best place to start is our Update dashboard.

Update dashboard

When viewing a failed update, you can open the request details to see the request URL, the request and response headers and body and the response status. If the request was answered by our module, the request will also include relevant log messages to get details of every single entity update that was part of the request, including whether the entity was updated and the timing of each individual update.


You can filter the update dashboard to show updates that have Failed or are Retried ("Running"):

Use the Latest error link to get to the error details (see below). See Update status.



Error details

Log message details

Show timings


If an update is failing but you are not seeing the detailed response from above, please check your Drupal and PHP error logs for details.

If you see in the Drupal log that the update has reached the site, but our dashboard only provides a generic failure response body, it could be that your CDN or WAF is filtering 5XX status code responses in general. To make it easier to troubleshoot these issues with controlled responses but a 5XX status code, please enable the Force 2XX status code feature at the Advanced settings page.

Tracing an update

If an update is successful according to our dashboard but you don't see a change, you can enable tracing for this update so that when it's run the next time, we provide you with the same details as if the update had failed. Tracing is available in the update detail view, see Update status.

Drupal log

We log all pull and push operations of all entities in the Drupal log. In some cases we may not be able to include Drupal log information along with our request details; in this case please check the Drupal logs manually.