Content Sync provides many observability features to ensure editors can publish with confidence and your technical support can easily observe and analyze updates.

Sync progress when pushing

When an editor pushes content, they can watch the update progress in real-time without leaving their current page through a custom user message:

  • If content is pushed to one site, the editor sees a deep link to the content on the target site (screenshot above).
  • If content is pushed to multiple sites, a summary is shown to group sites by status and show how many sites the content is sent to.
  • If an update fails e.g. because a target site is currently not available, editors get immediate feedback so they can publish with confidence.
    • Updates are retried automatically over a time window of 24 hours.

Sync Status tab

Content Sync provides a Content Cloud tab for nodes where editors can follow the current update progress in real-time and view the sync state of the last 3 updates:

Content Sync admins (a permission granted through Drupal at the local site) can also serialize the content, compare content revisions to see changes and view all of the update details:

We provide the following detail information:

  • Date+time of the update.
  • The Flow that was used.
  • Assigned Pool(s).
  • The content type.
  • The language(s).
  • The timing / how long it took to request or update the content on the current site.
  • The update priority.

The list below shows the target site(s) the content was sent to. Clicking on an item will navigate to the detail view of the update on the selected target site.

Content Sync provides a couple of options for the update at the top right:

Available actions are:

  • Trace next: Provide detailed request and response information when the next update is performed, including log messages generated in Drupal by our module. Use this to troubleshoot potential issues.
  • Re-run: Start the update process from scratch. When done on the source site, it will also trigger the updates on the target sites again.
  • Abort: Cancel the current update. As requests are processed asynchronously, requests that have already started will still finish.
  • Show Content: Show the content in the Content Sync backend.
  • Open in App: Open this update in the Content Sync backend - this makes it easier to share a link with others.
  • Contact Support: Reach out to our support to get help for this specific update; this will pre-fill the required update URL automatically to save you some time.

Update dashboard

Content Sync provides visibility into every update of every content item to every site. Content Sync admins can use the Updates tab in the backend to access this update overview:

Available filters are:

  • Status: Show updates that a re running or retried, failed, succeeded or have been aborted. You can also use this filter to show mass updates instead of individual updates.
  • Site: By default, this screen will show push and pull operations related to the current site, but you can also show all tasks across all sites.
  • Type: By default, we show Content updates. You can view Config updates instead, too, to see when the last config sync happened (e.g. from running drush cse).
  • Watch: By default the screen shows a snapshot from when the screen is loaded; use this to see new, incoming updates in near realtime.

Clicking on an update leads to the detail screen (see Sync Status tab above).