Content Sync is very flexible, covering a wide range of potential use-cases around replicating content from one environment to another. The most common use-cases our customers use Content Sync for are:

Content Syndication

The "push approach" where the publishing authority is with the content entry site. Editors on the content entry site(s) define when to push what content and subscribing sites immediately create and update the content whenever a new revision is pushed from the source. You can still use multiple Pools and taxonomies to group sites and route content to only a subset of sites. You can also assign different Pools to individual paragraphs to create configurable content that dynamically adapts to the target site it's used at.

Content Repositories

The "pull approach" where the publishing authority is with the target site, improving collaboration in autonomous editorial teams that are each responsible for their specific site(s). Sites can share content to one or more repositories and editors on other sites can search through the available content and add it to their site with the click of a button. You can still pre-filter content by taxonomy terms and we provide a very user-friendly UI to search through the available content. Editors can optionally customize content per site. For critical content publishing, you can use our "Create Unpublished Revisions" update mode that allows editors on each site to manually review all updates coming in from the source site prior to publishing.

Content Staging

Allow editors to prepare content in a private content staging environment with very limited access and then deploy it to the production site(s) with the click of a button. This allows editors to confidently prepare highly sensitive content like financial reports and medical reports outside of the production site; it also allows you to further restrict access to the public website as editors don't need to work there.

Consistent Taxonomies

Allow editors to manage taxonomies centrally and let Content Sync automatically keep them in sync across all of your sites, ensuring consistent tagging and categorization.

Consistent Navigation

Allow editors to manage menus centrally and let Content Sync replicate selected menus across all of your sites, ensuring a consistent navigation across multiple sites.


Content Sync doesn't restrict how to use the service. You can use any combination of settings that work for your specific use-case. Our flexibility allows us to work with all your custom publishing workflows and content governance requirements. You can decide what, when and how to push and pull content and our various hooks before and after each push and pull operation plus the ability to create custom serialization handlers for any of your entities and fields allow you to fully customize the experience for your specific editorial needs.


How does this impact SEO?

We provide you a token that you can use across all your content's canonical tag to avoid duplicate content issues.

What about localization?

Content Sync works out of the box with Drupal's localization system. Editors can even publish translations individually and you can use different languages across your connected sites.

What about content customizations?

You can allow editors to customize content to extend it with relevant information, change an image etc. to customize and improve it for their specific target audience.

Learn more

Check out the recording of our livestream with our Tech Partner Pantheon to see it in action: