CMS Content Sync provides an easy-to-use Drupal 8 Views integration that provides a better overview to the content managers, showing when a content was exported/imported last or if a content has been edited locally and not yet pushed.


The CMS Content Sync Views integration requires the following modules to be enabled: 

Step-by-step guide

Follow these steps to enable the CMS Content Sync Views integration.

  1. Install the CMS Content Sync submodule "CMS Content Sync - Views"
  2. Once the module is enabled, the entity status information can easily be added to every entity overview that is based on a view. Here's an example how it can be added to the default content overview-
  3. Go to the Views overview page
  4. Go to the "Content" View edit page
  5. Add a new field to the view page
  6. Search for "Sync State", select the field and click on "Add and configure fields"
  7. Click "Apply"
  8. Save the Views page
  9. Return to the "Content Overview" page
  10. The synchronization information is now shown at the overview and provides useful information for your content managers.
  11. Depending on whether a content has been exported or imported the provided information looks differently to match the use case-
    • The content on this screenshot has been imported, by clicking on the "here" link, the user will be redirected to the source instance that has created this content.