On the following page we would like to provide an overview of Drupal Core and Contrib fields, entity types and functionalities which are supported by Content Sync.
Field Types
- Date
- Date range
- Link
- List (float)
- List (integer)
- List (text)
- Number (decimal)
- Number (float)
- Number (integer)
- Entity reference
- File
- Image
- Telephone number
- Text (formatted)
- Text (formatted, long)
- Text (formatted, long, with summary)
- Text (plain)
- Text (plain, long)
- Timestamp
Entity Types
- File
- Media
- Menu
- Taxonomy Terms
- User (Can be referenced but not syndicated due to security restrictions)
- Block content
- Block config (v2.1+)
- Views config (v2.1+)
- Content Moderation
- Revisions
- Translations
- Layout Builder
CMS Content Sync provides support for the following contribution modules:
- Add To Calendar Button (AddEvent.com)
- Address
- Except "Address Zone" field type.
- Block Field
- Bricks
- Classy Paragraphs
- Color Field
- Config Pages
- DraggableViews
- Domain / Domain Access (v2.0+)
- Dynamic Entity Reference
- D8 Editor File Upload
- Easychart
- Entity Construction Kit (ECK)
- Entity Group Field
- Focal Point
- Geofield
- Geolocation
- Group
- Groups and Group Content, but not Group Memberships.
- Heading
- iFrame
- Image Widget Crop
- Key Value Field
- Menu Link Attributes
- Metatag
- Paragraphs
- Requires paragraphs version >= 8.x-1.3.
- Also supports paragraphs library (v2.1+).
- Pathauto
- Range
- Redirect
- Search API Exclude Entity
- Simple Sitemap
- Supported versions: 3.x & 4.x
- SoundCloud Field
- Stage File Proxy
- The "Hotlink" option is not supported
- SVG Image Field
- Tablefield
- Telephone
- Hint: Is now part of the Drupal 8.x Core: https://www.drupal.org/node/2603904.
- Title Length (v2.2.14+)
- Translatable Menu Link Uri
- Video Embed Field
- Viewfield
- Year Only
- Yoast Seo
- Weight
- Workflow
- The state field must not be translatable.
Need more? Let us know!