With Content Sync, you have the option to push content manually after reviewing it on the publishing site.

Did You Know?

The push behavior does not dictate how you pull content on other sites. You can manually push content whether it’s going to be pulled automatically or manually – any combination is possible.


To push content manually, go to the standard content overview page in the administration area of your site.

The actions described below are available for all other entity types on their list pages, such as for taxonomy terms, menu items, media elements, and more. You can select multiple items for bulk publications or use the Push changes operation from the drop down.


Select Pool (Optional)

When editing, you will see all available Pools in the right sidebar at Content Cloud (or Content Repository for our on-premise customers). Assign the content to any of the pools with a simple click.

Note: This option isn't always available. Your site builders can configure Content Sync to automatically assign the right pool for you so that your editors aren’t even bothered.

Push Content Individually

In the Operations column, open the dropdown and click on Push changes.

Bulk Push Multiple Content Items at Once

Select the checkboxes on the left side of the content items you want to push. In the Action dropdown, select Push changes and hit Apply to selected items.

Push Content Immediately When Saving

When editing the content, you will see the default Save button and another Save and Push button next to it to immediately propagate your changes.

Confirmation dialog

When pushing content manually, editors can use the confirmation page to review the content item(s) they selected. Editors can also select what translations they want to publish and which changes should stay local. The confirmation dialog makes it easy to identify translations that were changed and should be updated:

Push priority

Content Sync processes all updates in the cloud offering by their assigned priority. By default, all updates from local and testing environments are assigned priority Low and updates from all other sites are assigned priority Regular. There are three additional priorities available: Important, Critical and Highly Critical. Updates with higher priority are processed faster, retried more often in case of failures and the Highly Critical option will make a follow-up request to clear the entity cache again which is known to cause issues in high-traffic scenarios; the Highly Critical option is only available during critical publishing events as part of our standby support package. Other additional options are available upon request. Updates with higher priority use up additional update . Editors can select the priority in the confirmation dialog when enabled:

Success Messages

After pushing content, Content Sync will display a success message. This message shows the update progress in real-time, allowing editors to track the distribution of content to other sites. If any issues arise, editors receive immediate feedback, helping them trust the syndication process and publish content at scale with confidence.