All of your sites that you connect to Content Sync can act as publishers and subscribers meaning you can push content from your site into your central content repository and you can pull content from that repository into your sites. Content Sync doesn’t force you to follow any specific approach on what content to push and what content to pull. There are many options available so you can customize Content Sync to work exactly the way you want it to, for example to configure what bundles (like a Page or a News Article) you want to syndicate or not syndicate per site.

Each Flow is either used to publish content or to subscribe to content but you can create as many Flows per site as you like, meaning you can also have sites that both publish their content and subscribe to content from other sites.

Content Sync doesn’t work just with content -or nodes as Drupal calls them- we support a wide range of standard and contributed entity types like files, media elements, taxonomy terms, paragraphs, bricks, webforms and so on. There’s a full list of contributed modules we support in the technical documentation section if you’re interested.

Content Sync works 100% with standard Drupal elements meaning that any distributed content works exactly the same on all sites- it will display the same way and integrate the same way with lists from views and other Drupal elements. This means Content Sync will distribute embedded elements like paragraphs or bricks automatically along with the actual content- by default it will also syndicate taxonomy terms like tags and media elements like images along with the content you publish.

Flow UI

Flows are managed in the Flows tab after you have registered your site. We provide an interactive configuration UI that's divided into three steps:

General settings

Define when content is pushed or pulled, what pools to connect to and the update behavior. Switching between Push and Pull will expose different options. Please note that you can't change the Push/Pull setting after saving a Flow- please create a new Flow instead in this case.

Type settings

Define what types and bundles to include. By default, nodes are handled independently- that's where editors see the Push option. Everything in the middle column comes along with the content- by default this is everything else on your site. By moving items to the right column, they are excluded from the synchronization.

You can group and ungroup types to treat all bundles the same or to configure each bundle differently. We strongly recommend to group all bundles if possible- this allows Content Sync to automatically include new bundles as they become available on the site; if bundles are configured differently, new bundles are excluded by default until you edit the Flow, configure the new bundle and save.

Advanced options

When to push or pull

If you just want to get an overview of how Content Sync works, we recommend you continue with the other articles in this section:


All options

If you are interested in all the details of what you can configure with Flows, we have provided a list of all options below: